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Hi! I am Sorami Hisamoto.

I am a natural language processing engineer at Legalscape.

You can see my slides here.
You can also find me on Twitter and GitHub.

Publications (refereed)

Membership Inference Attacks on Sequence-to-Sequence Models: Is My Data In Your Machine Translation System?

Sorami Hisamoto, Matt Post, Kevin Duh

Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, March 2020. (TACL)

paper   |   slides (presented at ACL2020)

Robust Document Representations for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in Low-Resource Settings

Mahsa Yarmohammadi, Xutai Ma, Sorami Hisamoto, Muhammad Rahman, Yiming Wang, Hainan Xu, Daniel Povey, Philipp Koehn, Kevin Duh

Machine Translation Summit 2019, August 2019.

Sudachi: a Japanese Tokenizer for Business

Kazuma Takaoka, Sorami Hisamoto, Noriko Kawahara, Miho Sakamoto, Yoshitaka Uchida and Yuji Matsumoto

11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference Industry Track, May 2018. (LREC2018)


Synergies between Word Representation Learning and Dependency Parsing

Sorami Hisamoto

Master's Thesis, March 2014.

paper   |   slides

Construction of English MWE Dictionary and its Application to POS Tagging

Yutaro Shigeto, Ai Azuma, Sorami Hisamoto, Shuhei Kondo, Tomoya Kouse, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Akifumi Yoshimoto, Frances Yung and Yuji Matsumoto

The 9th Workshop on Multiword Expressions, June 2013. (MWE2013, NAACL)

Publications (not refereed)

chiVe: 製品利用可能な日本語単語ベクトル資源の実現へ向けて
(chiVe: Towards Industrial-strength Japanese Word Vector Resources, in Japanese)

久本空海, 山村崇, 勝田哲弘, 竹林佑斗, 髙岡一馬, 内田佳孝, 岡照晃, 浅原正幸

第16回テキストアナリティクス・シンポジウム, September 2020.

abstract   |   slides

chiVe 2.0: SudachiとNWJCを用いた実用的な日本語単語ベクトルの実現に向けて
(chiVe 2.0: Towards Practical Japanese Word Embedding using Sudachi and NWJC, in Japanese)

河村宗一郎, 久本空海, 真鍋陽俊, 髙岡一馬, 内田佳孝, 岡照晃, 浅原正幸

言語処理学会 第26回年次大会, March 2020. (NLP2020)


Query Expansion for Cross-Language Question Re-Ranking

Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman, Sorami Hisamoto, Kevin Duh

arXiv, April 2019.


User-Assisted Tabular Extraction in Japanese Invoice

Vincent Leonardo, Yuichiro Shimizu, Kensuke Masugata, Sorami Hisamoto, Yoshitaka Uchida, Kazuma Takaoka

言語処理学会 第25回年次大会, March 2019. (NLP2019)


(Large Scale Dictionary Development for Sudachi, in Japanese)

坂本美保, 川原典子, 久本空海, 髙岡一馬, 内田佳孝

国立国語研究所 言語資源活用ワークショップ2018, September 2018. (LRW2018)


Information Extraction from English & Japanese Résumé with Neural Sequence Labelling Methods

Akihiro Katsuta, Hutama Adhi Hanjaya, Somnath Asati, Sorami Hisamoto, Kazuma Takaoka, Yoshitaka Uchida and Yuji Matsumoto

言語処理学会 第24回年次大会, March 2018. (NLP2018)


技術計算のための新言語 Julia
(Julia: a New Language for Technical Computing, in Japanese)

『データサイエンティスト養成読本 R活用編』 (“Data Scientist Training Reader: R Ed.”), December 2014

An Empirical Investigation of Word Representations for Parsing the Web

Sorami Hisamoto, Kevin Duh, and Yuji Matsumoto

言語処理学会 第19回年次大会, March 2013. (NLP2013)

paper   |   poster   |   poster (updated)   |   poster (IWPT2013)   |   slide (RIT-NY)

(Construction of English Multiword Dictionary and its Application to POS Tagging, in Japanese)

重藤優太郎, 東藍, 近藤修平, 北裏龍太, 坂口慶祐, 光瀬智哉, 久本空海, 吉本暁文, Frances Yung, 松本裕治

情報処理学会研究報告 第209回自然言語処理研究会, November 2012. (NL209)


A Japanese tokenizer Sudachi in Rust.


Japanese word embedding with Sudachi and NWJC.


A Japanese tokenizer Sudachi in Python.

More on GitHub.